Monday, January 25, 2010

Celiac Disease Got You Down? A Gluten Free Bakery Can Get You UP!

It used to be that Celiac disease was a very rare thing. Nowadays, however, it seems like every single person we talk to has a bout of chronic Celiac. In fact, according to the U.S. National Institute of Health over 3 Million people have Celiac disease. One of the reasons behind this may be because of all the byproducts and preservatives they put into foods these days. This can end up making people’s lives harder than it should be!

If you can’t eat gluten but really like your sweets and having a hard time not eating the foods you used to, there is something that can be done! It’s called Gluten free foods. These foods have to be specially made so that they do not contain wheat, but they still taste amazing - which is definite plus.

You can now find gluten free cookies, gluten free crackers and other gluten free bakery items. They won't contain any harmful substances that will make your Celiac flare up and you can still enjoy the foods you love, even if its cookies!

Also, people that are allergic to other things such as nuts, dairy and preservatives can also eat our cookies because we only make them naturally - without all the extra byproducts that you would get in a regular cookie!
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Monday, January 18, 2010

Is Celiac Disease A Genetic Disease?

Over the last few years more and more people have been diagnosed with this disease, and their number one answer is how they got it. Well first and foremost I'm a big believe in healthy eating, and if you don't eat healthy and take care of suckled, you will have health problems - even something as severe and complex as Celiac disease. Second off, this disease is actually quite common and yes, it can be from genetics. There are two main types of Gluten-Sensitive Enteropathy. The first one is the one that really effects people.

They have all the symptoms and simply cannot eat specific gluten foods. The other type if where the person doesn't even know they have the disease in itself because they have minimal to ZERO symptoms - this is also known as "silent" Celiac disease! This is an autoimmune rheumatoid disease which involves the small intestine. However bad this disease is, it can be reversed in most instances if you simply watch what you eat, how you eat it and when you eat it. It’s suggested that you absolutely stay away from ANYTHING that contains any gluten - some people decide it's just easier to become a vegetarian.

Most vegans and vegetarians won't eat things with preservatives, specific fat substances, additives, etc. Instead, they only eat fish, veggies, gluten free products and fruit. Don't let this dismay you, there are still some really yummy foods you can eat - even dessert items such as gluten free cookies, gluten free crackers, wheat free cookies and gluten free snack options. If possible look for brands, foods, restaurants and recipes that say gluten free. So if you are looking for bakery items, you would want to find a gluten free bakery - which these days is pretty easy to find!
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Monday, January 11, 2010

What Does A Gluten Free Diet Consist Of?

When most people are diagnosed with Celiac disease they automatically assume they won't be able to eat all the yummy foods they used to - this only partially true. There are foods out there that Celiacs can eat such as rice, corn, potatoes, all kinds of veggies and fruits, eggs, cheese, milk products, meat and fish, nuts, seeds, and bean plants as long as they are not cooked with wheat flour, breadcrumbs or any kinds of sauces. Pretty much any food that is labeled as being gluten free, still it's a really good idea to know about that specific food because not everyone has the same standards.

One thing you could consider, is looking for foods that are certified as being CSA safe. The CSA is the Celiac Sprue Association which is considered the largest non-profit support group in the US. There are companies that will actually offer specialized foods such as gluten free bakery items - which is great for those of you that have sweet tooth, but don't want to chance it. Well these foods are completely safe and include products such as gluten free cookies, gluten free snack options and gluten free crackers. The CSA also has a list and information on the gluten-free diet for their members as well.

It's of the utmost importance that you make sure you are buying quality brands that follow the CSA certification in case of cross contamination. This works the same way with people that can't eat peanuts - they have to make sure the food they are eating was NOT used in the same factory where nuts may have passed through or they could end up getting sick. This goes with being at home as well - if you have a large family living under roof, it might be necessary for you to buy two of everything like two toasters, separate stirring spoons and silverware, etc.
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Monday, January 4, 2010

Celiac Disease And Eating Gluten Free Isn't The End Of The World!

For those people out there with Celiac disease it's a pretty detrimental thing to go through, realizing that all those foods you once could eat, you no longer can. You can, but they would end up making you sicker than it’s worth. I don't have Celiac, but I do have Esophagitis so I sort of have had to go through the same regimen as far as changing my diet goes. However, for all the things I can't eat, I always find one more thing I can eat. Whole I can't eat things like beef, meat, chicken, sweets, fried stuff, anything with carbs, etc. I have found that things such as gluten free cookies do make me less sick.

Maybe it's because of the lack of gluten, or the preservatives and chemicals. Either way, there is still hope for you yet. A lot of foods out there do not contain gluten's, and a lot do, so it's best if you can simply write down a list of do's and dont's and work your menus around that. Another thing you can do is actually buy foods that are gluten free - specially prepared for instances such as this. These items such as the gluten free snack products like animal cookies contain all natural flavors, and do not contain things like eggs, cholesterol, lactose, peanuts, additives, or preservatives.

Over all these products are great for people that can't eat gluten, but also people that want to watch their weight and eat and feel better. So while some of these are from a gluten free bakery, doesn't necessarily mean they are JUST for people with Celiac disease. You can also buy wheat free cooking and gluten free crackers as well.
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