Monday, May 3, 2010

A Cookie Lover's Saving Grace

Gluten free cookies are a great way to lose weight and enjoy sweets. Personally, I know that when I get home and eat dinner after a long day of work, I like to satisfy my sweet tooth. The thing is, I really need to lose some weight, and cookies aren’t the best way to do so. That’s why I’ve been indulging in Josef’s delicious treats.These cookies are...
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Monday, March 22, 2010

Gluten Free Cookies Are For Everyone!

Gluten free cookies were originally baked with Celiac disease in mind. This genetic disease disallows people from enjoying any products with gluten or flour, items like bread or store bought cookies. It can be very difficult for those with the disease to enjoy many foods, especially deserts. But Josef’s gluten free bakery has changed that. Josef’s...
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Monday, March 15, 2010

A Cookie History

Cookies began around 1400 years ago in Persia when sugar became available. They spread to Europe through the Muslim conquest of Spain and continued to increase in popularity due to their durability. The first ones were a mixture of nuts, sweetener and water, and were called ‘jumbles.’Cookies sailed with the Pilgrims on the Mayflower, but the word cookie...
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Monday, March 8, 2010

The Utopian Cookie

While you may already know that Josef’s gluten free snacks are wheat free, dairy/casein free, lactose free, egg free, nut free, trans fat free, preservative free and vegan you might not have known that these cookies are also tasty at any time of the day. That’s right, any time you want a gluten free snack, you can have some gluten free cookies and...
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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Vegans Rejoice! Josef’s is Here!

Vegan snacking is hard sometimes. If you’re looking for tasty gluten free cookies, then you have come to the right place. Josef’s Gluten Free Bakery is a place where people who are concerned about what they are putting into their bodies can come together and eat cookies. Here are some of their delicious products:Sandwich O’s Cookies: These cookies...
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Monday, February 22, 2010

Josef’s Wheat Free Cookies – A Way To Indulge Healthily

There’s a new movement taking hold. You’ve probably seen it in grocery stores and around town. It’s a return to the earth for what we eat and it can be defined by a simple phrase: “Only eat it if it’s a plant, or if it wasn’t made in one.”Now, if you’re like me, you have a bad sweet tooth. And it’s hard to find snacks and cookies that don’t have preservatives...
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Monday, February 15, 2010

A Gluten Free Snack Doesn't Have To Be Taste Free

Gluten free products are gaining in popularity not only for the gluten intolerant and gluten sensitive, but also for people who desire a healthier lifestyle. No longer is it difficult for people to find tasty snacks and desserts that are gluten free and/or wheat free. Now, gluten free cookies can be found in most supermarkets as more and more people...
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