Monday, December 28, 2009

What Is Celiac Disease? How Can Gluten Free Effect The Way You Eat?

Celiac is not the easiest thing to live with. I had an employee that worked for me about a year ago that had Celiac disease, and she could eat nothing! Really, it was a little distributing because once you know someone that has this, you begin to realize what it is, how it effects your body and how you eat, and just how many foods out there contain...
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Monday, December 21, 2009

Don’t Just Live Gluten Free, Love It

When I was first diagnosed with Celiac Disease, I had a lot of mixed emotions. It was scary to find out that gluten-based foods, which I’d been eating my entire life, were actually harming my body. And it felt isolating to learn I had a disease that a lot of people don’t even know exists, let alone understand. But most of all it felt unfair – why should...
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Monday, December 14, 2009

Get Your Vegan On With Gluten Free Cookies

Gluten free cookies obviously cater to people with Celiac’s Disease – a disorder where your body is damaged by the absorption of gluten. But because of their production, gluten free snacks are also ideal for dessert-lovers with a variety of other dietary restrictions.All of the cookies from Jo-Sefs Gluten Free Bakery are also free of wheat, diary,...
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