Monday, January 25, 2010

Celiac Disease Got You Down? A Gluten Free Bakery Can Get You UP!

It used to be that Celiac disease was a very rare thing. Nowadays, however, it seems like every single person we talk to has a bout of chronic Celiac. In fact, according to the U.S. National Institute of Health over 3 Million people have Celiac disease. One of the reasons behind this may be because of all the byproducts and preservatives they put into...
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Monday, January 18, 2010

Is Celiac Disease A Genetic Disease?

Over the last few years more and more people have been diagnosed with this disease, and their number one answer is how they got it. Well first and foremost I'm a big believe in healthy eating, and if you don't eat healthy and take care of suckled, you will have health problems - even something as severe and complex as Celiac disease. Second off, this...
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Monday, January 11, 2010

What Does A Gluten Free Diet Consist Of?

When most people are diagnosed with Celiac disease they automatically assume they won't be able to eat all the yummy foods they used to - this only partially true. There are foods out there that Celiacs can eat such as rice, corn, potatoes, all kinds of veggies and fruits, eggs, cheese, milk products, meat and fish, nuts, seeds, and bean plants as...
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Monday, January 4, 2010

Celiac Disease And Eating Gluten Free Isn't The End Of The World!

For those people out there with Celiac disease it's a pretty detrimental thing to go through, realizing that all those foods you once could eat, you no longer can. You can, but they would end up making you sicker than it’s worth. I don't have Celiac, but I do have Esophagitis so I sort of have had to go through the same regimen as far as changing my...
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