Monday, January 25, 2010

Celiac Disease Got You Down? A Gluten Free Bakery Can Get You UP!

It used to be that Celiac disease was a very rare thing. Nowadays, however, it seems like every single person we talk to has a bout of chronic Celiac. In fact, according to the U.S. National Institute of Health over 3 Million people have Celiac disease. One of the reasons behind this may be because of all the byproducts and preservatives they put into foods these days. This can end up making people’s lives harder than it should be!

If you can’t eat gluten but really like your sweets and having a hard time not eating the foods you used to, there is something that can be done! It’s called Gluten free foods. These foods have to be specially made so that they do not contain wheat, but they still taste amazing - which is definite plus.

You can now find gluten free cookies, gluten free crackers and other gluten free bakery items. They won't contain any harmful substances that will make your Celiac flare up and you can still enjoy the foods you love, even if its cookies!

Also, people that are allergic to other things such as nuts, dairy and preservatives can also eat our cookies because we only make them naturally - without all the extra byproducts that you would get in a regular cookie!


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